So this one was adapted into a movie a few years ago. I like my horror books to give me something to read and something that leaves me wondering what was going on. Oujia did just that. It had me wondering who was going to go and who was going to make it to the end. Now that being said reading the beginning where Laine goes to check on Debbie and Debbie refuses to leave the house was upsetting because while she may have been dealing with her own things and dealing with what the board was telling her it hurt my heart because Laine and Pete both knew something was off about Debbie. They chose to ignore that and go on about their nights like it didn't matter. Now when I read her death in the book I do remember it from the film adaption as well. Laine's character get so upset when she learns why Debbie didn't make it to breakfast the next morning. Laine goes home and her dad, sister and previous nanny are waiting for her to give her the news. Laine reacts in the way any teenager would and that is that she breaks down and is in denial for a bit about it. She then goes to Debbie's wake and sees her family. She sees the Christmas lights that are missing. The lights had been what Debbie had hung herself with. Laine is given a box of things by Debbie's mom to help her remember Debbie and because Debbie would want her to have it. A few days pass after Debbie dies and Laine, and her boyfriend Trevor go over to Debbie's house for her family to make sure things stay clean and make sure the pool stays covered, The pool being covered plays a big part in the story as well. Laine does what she is there to do and then goes back upstairs to Debbie's room and she find the Oujia board. She then convinces Trevor, Pete and Izzy to come over to Debbie's and play the board to say goodbye to Debbie. The board gives Debbie's initials and spells out hi frend. This is just the beginning of the story. The ghost kills the friends off one by one. Izzy is dies, then Pete. But Pete doesn’t die until they think they’ve solved the problem. Trevor dies when Lanie called him to ask him to help her finish off the ghost. Trevor dies when the ghost pushes him in the uncovered pool before Lanie gets to Debbie’s to finish off the curse. Lanie and her sister are the only 2 left alive in the end and it was kind sad to know they every one they were friends with.
A shorter review as it was for instagram originally.